
Showing posts from October, 2019
Great British Care Awards- Regional Finalist, Becky Stroud I have been with CareMatch since its launch in 2017. I have seen CareMatch grow from covering just one area to expanding across several areas. I can honestly say that I’m incredibly proud to work with CareMatch, it has changed the way we deliver care to our clients. Therefore, I thought it’s only right I share some of my exciting news with you all! Yesterday I had the most amazing day possible, I went for my judging interview for Home Care Worker of the Year 2019. I feel extremely  honoured, not only to have been nominated, but to be a finalist! To me it’s my job to make people smile and care for them, but one family whom I class as my second family nominated me for this amazing award, and I can’t find the words to thank them enough for this. I feel so proud, honoured and lucky to have cared for John, who sadly passed away a few months ago. He was an absolute legend and made everything worthwhile.